
We are an inclusive club that take the welfare and safeguarding of our swimmers and staff extremely seriously.  We follow and adhere to Wavepower – Swim England’s safeguarding policy and procedure document: https://www.swimming.org/swimengland/wavepower-child-safeguarding-for-clubs/ 

Our Welfare Officer is: Yvonne Osborne.  She can be contacted at Honitonsc.welfare@gmail.com 

Codes of Conduct

Code of Conduct committee members, volunteers and officials 

Code of Conduct Parents and Guardians

Code of Conduct Swimmers

Code of Conduct Coaches

Risk Assessments

Swimming Training Risk Assessment-2024

Land Training Risk Assessment-2024

Competition Swimming Risk- Assessment-2024

Club Trip Risk Assessment 2024

Coaching and Teaching with Honiton Swim Club Risk Assessment-2024