About Us

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Honiton Swimming Club is the friendly place to swim in East Devon.  Based at Honiton Leisure Centre & Swimming Pool we meet regularly for training and have an inclusive approach towards getting everyone involved in swimming.  If you are interested in swimming regularly please do get in touch (see the Join Us section of the webpage). If you can swim front crawl, breast-stroke and backstroke with a reasonable amount of confidence, we welcome all abilities and ages. We have swimmers aged 8 to 60+. Many swim competitively, others just to keep fit, everyone is welcome.

Our Coaches:

Ralph Watson (Head coach), Ralph Lynch and Jim McKechnie

Our Club Captains:

Club captains this season are: Isabelle Bridges-Galvez and Ollie Davies

Our Committee:

Julian Hall – Chair
Lyndsay Quincey- Secretary (covering membership secretary)
Membership Secretary – gapped
Jim McKechnie – Treasurer
Yvonne Osborne – Welfare & Safeguarding
Helene Lindsey – Events Secretary
Sally Bloomfield – Minutes Secretary
Nick Bloomfield – Swim Mark Admin
Charlie McKechnie – Kit co-ordinator
Jayne Barlow – Awards Admin
Mel Fordham – School Liaison/Social
Bex Ledger – Website Co-ordinator

Membership Booklet: (new segment info to follow)

Key Documents:

Club Constitution April 2023

Club Emergency Procedures

GDPR Policy